Wednesday, April 18, 2007

6 mo. prego with the twins!

Okay, I haven't done pictures lately or talked about the twins so here is for all those asking...
I am one week into my sixth month and I feel like I should be starting my eighth month! I am feeling great for the most part, however, my belly is a lot larger at this point then it was with Dre (obviously) - so I am just wondering how much bigger it's gonna get! I see my OB every other week and I have ultrasounds every 3 weeks, so it makes for almost an appointment every week! Last ultrasound the twins were measuring about 1 lb. 8 oz. each and they have reached the age of viability - meaning if I were to have them now they would most likely survive. I feel them moving around all day and the best way to describe it is just movement everywhere all the time. Little boy will kick down below on the left side, while his sister is doing something I can feel all the way on the top right. The nursery (which I"m standing in) is bare, but not for long! We are picking up the second crib this weekend and hopefully it will start to come together! Of course, we still need to coax Dresden out of his crib - he still prefers the crib over his bunk bed!
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Alan said...

You are the cutest pregnant girl ever! Can't wait for your little babies to arrive!

Amber said...

Oh my, Cathy, you look great and it is so neat to be expecting TWO. I love having babies, not so much pregnancy, but delivery YES! How fun.

Leah said...

Ok, seriously, there can't be two in there! That is AMAZING! You look gorgeous Cathy!


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