Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This GIRL!

This Girl cracks me up! Her favorite word right now is "Mine" and not only does she think everything belongs to her, but she has to have things a certain way. She will not accept cereal given to her in a bowl, but rather feels she is entitled to the entire box! Lately she pulls her little chair up to the kitchen counter and grabs whatever is there for her prize. In the picture above, she had somehow reached the box of Cheerios and I caught her hoarding them in her room, just as happy as could be! On a not so funny (for me) note, yesterday she found the eggs that were still sitting on the counter from breakfast and felt inclined to drop them one by one onto the floor below. I wondered what the strange noise was in the kitchen and by the time I got there 3 had already been dropped and shattered on the floor!
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1 comment:

SKIPR said...

She is soo cute. I love it!


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