Thursday, August 27, 2009

Best of Buds!

To be a twin ... is to have a slumber party with your best friend every nigtht! These two just get closer and closer the older they get. It's been so fun to watch as their friendship develops! Ciena is definitely the dominant personality and loves to boss her brother around. Luckily, Coen's personality is such that he allows her to be bossy and they rarely fight. The picture on the bottom is their current sleeping arrangement! Lately they insist on sleeping together in the same crib. I love to listen at the door and hear them play and giggling until finally it's silent and I check in to see them snuggled up together asleep.
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Jenny said...

The twins are so cute!! I am loving Dresden's hair too!! That sucks that Chad has been gone for so long, way cute idea for the paper train!!

Jeana said...

They are lucky to have each other. I wish my children would have been closer in age so they could be good friends.

SKIPR said...

too funny!

Jarbon said...

That is so cute - that they sleep together! I can't believe it.

Cheri said...

How sweet! Man, they are getting so big!


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