We're Surviving!
For those who have not heard from us lately, Yes - we are surviving! It has been crazy, to say the least. The days fly by and I am constantly surprised that another 3 hours has passed and it is time to feed the babies again. There are times of total chaos when all 3 kids are crying and need my attention and I feel overwhelmed and exhausted. There are also times when I feel like I have things under control,and I truly think that having twins is so much fun! I am amazed at how well Dresden has adjusted to it all. He is so sweet with the twins and has found ways to entertain himself and help out when I need him. I would not be surviving without my amazing husband! We make a good team, even with no sleep! He is up with the twins just as much as I am and with as little as 3 to 4 hours of sleep still goes to work for 15 hours!
I can't say "thank you" enough to neighbors, family, and friends who have helped out and offered their support, it's made all the difference in getting through these first few months!