Sunday, May 17, 2009

Buddies from the start! Savannah and Dresden then ...

Savannah and Dresden Now!

It just made sense that Dresden's first sleepover be with his first friend! Dresden and Savannah have been friends since we first moved to Dallas, Dre was 4 mo. and Savannah 6 mo. They had a fun night of baking cookies and making popcorn followed by the movie of their choice (Peter Pan). They are so sweet to eachother -- I hope they stay friends forever!

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Jen said...

I love those 2 together!!!

Cheri said...

Awww, I remember them both that little, and now you and Jen each have 2 more that I've never met! --- Wait! I just remembered briefly meeting the twins at the North Park Mall. Still, time really flies!

Sarah Sunshine said...

aww that's adorable!


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